Understanding the level of English each student is at helps teachers plan effective lessons

What Level of English Should Your Child Learn?

In today’s globalised world, proficiency in English has become increasingly essential. English is not only the language of international business and diplomacy but also the medium of instruction in many of the world’s top universities. Thus, ensuring your child attains a strong command of the English language is more crucial than ever. But what level of English should your child learn? This blog aims to help parents navigate this important decision, considering various factors such as age, educational goals, and future career prospects.

Understanding English Proficiency Levels

Before determining the appropriate level of English for your child, it is important to understand the different stages of language proficiency. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is widely recognised and categories English proficiency into six levels:

  • A1 (Beginner): Basic ability to communicate and understand simple phrases.
  • A2 (Elementary): Ability to understand and use basic expressions and sentences.
  • B1 (Intermediate) A person at this level of English is competent in dealing with most situations that may arise whilst travelling in an English-speaking country.
  • B2 (Upper Intermediate): Capable of interacting with a degree of fluency and spontaneity with native speakers.
  • C1 (Advanced): Proficient in understanding a wide range of demanding texts and using language effectively.
  • C2 (Proficient): Near-native proficiency with the ability to express oneself precisely and fluently in complex scenarios.

Early Childhood (Ages 3-6)

For young children, the primary goal should be to foster an interest in the English language. At this age, children are naturally curious and absorb new information like sponges. Introducing English through songs, stories, and games can make learning fun and engaging.

At this stage, achieving a level of English proficiency at A1 is appropriate. Children will learn basic vocabularly, simple phrases, and develop an ear for the sounds of the language. This foundation will make it easier for them to advance in their studies later on.

Primary School (Ages 7-11)

During primary school, the focus should shift towards building a solid foundation in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. By the end of primary school, aiming for an A2 or B1 level of English is beneficial.

At the A2 level, children will be able to understand and use everyday expressions and basic phrases. By reaching B1, they will be more comfortable engaging in conversations and handling a variety of communicative situations. This will also prepare them for more complex language tasks in secondary school.

Secondary School (Ages 12-16)

In secondary school, students should be encouraged to refine and expand their English skills. Achieving a B2 level by the end of secondary school is a reasonable goal. At this level, students can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity, which is essential for academic success and future career opportunities.

To reach B2, students should engage in extensive reading, practice writing essays, and participate in discussions and presentations. They should also be exposed to a variety of media in English, such as films, news programmes, and literature, to enhance their comprehension and cultural awareness.

Sixth Form and Further Education (Ages 17+)

For students continuing their education in sixth form or university, attaining a C1 or even C2 level of English is highly advantageous. At the C1 level, students can understand a wide range of demanding texts and express themselves fluently and spontateously. Achieving C2 indicates near-native proficiency, which is invaluable for academic research and professional environments.

Students aiming for top universities or careers in fields such as law, medicine, or international business should strive for these higher levels of proficiency. This will not only enhance their academic performance but also make them more competitive in the global job market.

Practical Considerations for Parents

Tailoring Learning to Your Child’s Needs

Every child is unique, and their learning needs will vary. Some children may show a natural aptitude for languages, while others may require more support. It is important to tailor their learning experience to their individual needs and interests.

Encouraging a Positive Learning Environment

Creating a positive and supportive learning environment at home can greatly influence your child’s attitude towards learning any level of English. Encourage reading for pleasure, engage in conversations in English, and provide access to educational resources such as books, apps, and online courses.

Seeking Professional Guidance

Enrolling your child in English language courses or hiring a tutor can provide structured learning and personalised attention. Teachers and language professionals can assess your child’s proficiency level and design a curriculum that targets their specific strengths and weaknesses.

Setting Realistic Goals

Setting realistic and achievable goals is crucial. While it is important to challenge your child, setting goals that are too ambitious can lead to frustration and burnout. Regularly reassess their progress and adjust goals as needed to ensure they remain motivated and confident in their abilities.

The Long-Term Benefits

Investing in your child’s English education has long-term benefits that extend beyond academic succes. Proficiency in English opens doors to a wider range of educational and career opportunities. It also enhances cognitive skills, cultural awareness, and the ability to communicate with people from diverse backgrounds.


Determining the appropriate level of English for your child depends on various factors including their age, current proficiency, and future aspirations. By understanding the different proficiency levels and setting realistic goals, parents can help their children achieve a strong command of the English language. This investment in their education will pay dividends throughout their academic journey and future careers, providing them with the tools they need to succeed in an increasingly interconnected world. If you are unsure of what level of English is right for your child book a consultation with Knowledge Thirst Media. They will help you find what level your child is at, and what should be their next goal.

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